8-25 March 2022
at Stockholm School of Economics
“Närstudier” (Close Studies) by Oscar Furbacken
at Stockholm School of Economics (Handelshögskolan)
The Stockholm-based artist Oscar Furbacken has for many years been searching and filming vast urban territories where botanical individuals are struggling to stay alive. The small plants have tried — and succeeded — in finding a niche for themselves with a specific combination of light, nutrients and humidity. One can call them survivors.
Furbacken's interest in the grandeur of miniscule plants and habitats reveals a marvel in the small individuals and their clout as well as their fragility. Within ecology the term habitat refers to a zone in which an organism can find food, shelter and protection. It is hard not to let the mind and thoughts wander off to war and the conditions for refugees seeking asylum in various places on our globe, and also to nature taking over in places heavily affected by war.
/Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe, 2022
Curator at Art Initiatives, SSE (Handelshögskolan)
The exhibition is organized with a similar attention for scale as within each separate video. The video installations are spread out in the Atrium and displayed in various sizes spaning from a very large projection on the south facade to the super tiny screen near the entrance.